Business Bookkeeping Improvements: Automating to Simplify
Posted 17 Dec '21

Posted 17 Dec '21
Let’s face it! Running a small business in this day and age is challenging. Hiring processes, taxes, payroll, and time tracking are just a few workflows business owners have to face. With so many moving parts to keep track of, it’s no wonder many small businesses find themselves struggling before they really get started!
Not only can these tasks be difficult to schedule and organise, but managing them can take up quite a bit of time. As you already know, time is a valuable commodity to both managers and small business owners. With more time on their hands, small business owners can make innovative changes that could be pivotal to the success of their company.
If you are a small business owner seeking ways to automate parts of your busy day, you’re in luck! There are a variety of systems and programs to help you simplify your business and free up your time. From employee time tracking to expense management, there is an automated solution for you!
Together, let’s review some of the most efficient small business management solutions on the market through the eyes of a small business owner. Let’s say this person’s name is Andrea, and she owns an up-and-coming coffee shop in town. She has a handful of employees, and business is picking up.
Andrea wants to continue to grow her business. However, as things are currently running, she doesn’t have much time to brainstorm marketing strategies or even brainstorm new coffee recipes. There are administrative tasks that need to be completed, and there isn’t time for much more.
With the dream to grow her business and to make it more self-sufficient, Andrea schedules a meeting with Empire Bookkeeping to review her options. Check out Andrea’s next steps and the small business management solutions she implemented for her coffee shop!
As stated on their website, Tanda is “The world’s #1 platform for rostering, attendance, labor insights and workforce success.” This platform comes with a variety of comprehensive workforce management benefits ranging from hiring and onboarding to time tracking.
After just a month of using the Tanda platform for her coffee shop, Andrea has noticed a positive change just by streamlining her employee’s clocking in/out routine. She is able to track the timeliness of her employees and quicken the process of onboarding new hires. Furthermore, she feels confident that all employee paperwork is kept safe and secure while the Tanda system integrates seamlessly with Xero to complete the ATO’s comprehensive payroll reporting requirements.
The Dext expense tracker was designed to help small business owners, managers, and even employees to keep all business-related purchases organised. Simply take a picture of your receipt and upload it to the program for quick reporting.
Andrea’s head manager and employees know that any business expenses need to be uploaded to Dext. Before Dext, Andrea’s employees placed their expense receipts in a shoebox on her desk. As you can imagine, the disorganisation caused her great anxiety as she never really knew how much money was being spent. Now, she by integrating Dext and Xero and part of the data entry being automated, Andrea can run live reports on her spending to know how she is tracking in a significantly timelier manner!
While the Dext program helps business owners track expenses, the Divipay system allows business owners to provide corporate cards for their employees. This is meant to make the process of employees purchasing items for the business a smoother and time-saving process.
Furthermore, employees and business owners can download the Divipay mobile app to access a virtual corporate card! You can pay in-store and snap photos of receipts to serve as proof of purchase. Conveniently, this program exports all data directly to Xero and files purchases into the correct account coding with ease.
Andrea enjoys the relief that Divipay provides to her life! Previously, she did most of the shopping for her business since she was the sole cardholder. Now, any employee can purchase items for the coffee shop but Andrea can still monitor and control spending limits and access. In addition, she is able to quickly detect any unethical use of her company’s money. This has allowed her to take care of any issues early on to prevent big headaches later.
While not every aspect of your small business can be automated, you would be surprised by how much can be taken off your plate by using the Tanda, Dext, and Divipay systems! After implementing each of these solutions, Andrea was able to put her newfound time to good use by further building her business. In addition, she quickly formed a reputation around town as a responsible business owner that many people want to work for.
Here at Empire Bookkeeping, we are passionate about seeing small and medium businesses thrive. Supporting clients and watching them better their business and lives is truly the most fulfilling aspect of what we do.
Reach out to our Empire Bookkeeping Team today for more information about Tanda, Dext, and Divipay or to have these systems set up for your business. You may also Contact Us to receive Xero training and file review; we’re here to help in any way you need!
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