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Empire Times Client Feature: Get Mentally Fit

Posted 23 Mar '21

Team Empire have had the pleasure of working with Emily & Scott from Get Mentally Fit, assisting with their accounting requirements since their establishment in 2019.

Get Mentally Fit have been doing some really important work with small businesses in the wellbeing and mental health space. To learn more about their business and get some free resources to help yours, you can find out all you need to know below.

Q. Tell us about Get Mentally Fit?

A. Get Mentally Fit is a boutique mental health organisation, based on the Gold Coast, that was established to expertly guide business owners and leaders in supporting their mental fitness and the performance of their people.

Leadership is really, really challenging and often debilitatingly difficult. In our experience, many business owners, and leaders, suffer stress, overwhelm and distraction as they struggle to balance their daily, core demands while trying to implement performance initiatives.

We effectively ease this overwhelm by offering business owners and leaders a pro-active, evidence based, 5-Step transformational process that results in them ultimately enjoying regenerative personal mental fitness and a thriving workplace. Emily’s practical approach, that enables this process, incorporates a combination of the latest evidence-based transformational models and frameworks, including positive psychology, mental toughness, neuroscience, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioural therapy.

Ultimately, our mission is to assist business owners and leaders by encouraging clarity of thought and conscious behaviour to increase their ability to respond positively to challenge, stress, and pressure, irrespective of their circumstances.

Q. What do you specialise in?

A. Having the advantage of being a small mental fitness provider, we specialise in working directly with business owners and leaders to customise supportive programs that assist them to transition from knowing, to doing to being.

Effectively, our point of difference is that we can reliably measure, professionally interpret, and strategically develop a person’s existing levels of mental toughness. Mental toughness is crucial to a leader’s success as it dictates how they think, act, and respond emotionally to events, which directly influences those around them. In business this translates into a leader’s ability to skilfully create a culture of psychological safety that ultimately fuels organisational growth.

We uniquely provide clients with pyscho-education on the neuroscience of habit formation, which essentially helps them to embed mental fitness strategies. This knowledge, of how to automate behaviour, promotes self-efficacy in people, which fosters the sustainable implementation of these strategies.

Q. How did Get Mentally Fit get started?

A. We established Get Mentally Fit in response to Emily identifying further need for pro-active, qualified, boutique, mental health providers, who can effectively support small to medium sized businesses. Whilst larger corporations have long enjoyed the holistic benefits of supporting the wellbeing of their people, small and medium sized businesses still struggle to manage this crucial element to their business’s evolutionary success.

We felt combining our skills as a Psychologist and a registered Teacher, to establish Get Mentally Fit and satisfy this demand, was a natural and worthwhile progression for both of us personally and professionally. Establishing this professional partnership has allowed us the autonomy to authentically express our key values of being authentic, using our wisdom, and using our creativity, via our business activities.

Celebrating client success continues to be the catalyst for us maintaining our focus and enthusiasm for offering transformational, highly effective, mental fitness programs to small and medium sized businesses.

Q. How does Get Mentally Fit offer support to business owners in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast?

Like all business owners the volatile social and political landscape, due to Covid-19, has dictated that we design innovative ways to connect with people and deliver our services. A positive effect of this restricted environment is that we have been able to effectively establish and offer nation-wide, virtual or tele conferencing. As these restrictions ease, we are increasingly seeing clients returning to face-to-face training and coaching, which we still support as the most effective platform.

Q. In 2020 a lot of change occurred within businesses. What are some ways that business owners can prepare for change, support themselves and their staff in 2021?

A. From our perspective, the actions businesses take through this current global crisis can ultimately make them stronger in the future. As businesses navigate the challenges in 2021, this will largely rely on a business’s capacity to foster staff wellbeing, in the face of uncertainty, which will be largely determined by the business owner’s strength of leadership.

We agree with the World Economic Forums findings that the priority for businesses in 2021 is wellbeing. Employers are facing ‘a moment of reckoning’ for employee wellbeing, due to issues brought on by the pandemic, including disconnected working environments, financial stress, and anxiety about health and safety (‘perfect storm of stressors’). Therefore, we recommend businesses focus on becoming a significant source of mental wellbeing by energising and fulfilling employees. This can only be achieved by allocating human and budgetary resources that are directed towards effective initiatives.

Moving forward, business owners must pro-actively prioritise their own mental fitness so they can maintain clarity and skill of thought in their personal and professional life.

It is our view that workplaces should treat wellbeing as a tangible skill, a critical business input and a measurable outcome. Therefore, forward-thinking businesses will embrace wellbeing not as a vague concept, but as an index of learnable actions and daily behaviour.

“We need leaders from all sectors, from governments to civil society groups, from non-profits and Fortune 500 businesses to make mental health a priority. It not only improves lives, it’s good business.”
Patrick Kennedy, Former Congressman (D-RI) and Founder, The Kennedy Forum

Q. When did you start using Empire Accountants for your business accounting and what differences have you noticed since working together?

A. Our first meeting with Empire was in December 2019, when we were introduced to Leonard Jiang, who skilfully guided us through the establishment stage of our business. In particular, he expertly directed us with the set up and registration of our company, which was smoothly handled.

From our experience, we have always felt that Empire have taken great care and a genuine interest in our business and its ultimate success. They have always responded to our requests for support in a timely manner.

Leonard has consistently listened, been pleasant, and most importantly present, during discussions about our business accounting matters. He has always supplied honest and expert advice, which has enabled us to navigate the incredibly complex and uncertain political and financial environment that we have all recently found ourselves, as business owners. As we grow, we could not think of anyone else that we would rather support us than Leonard and the team at Empire.

We are extremely excited about the prospect of contributing a series of ongoing blogs that will be aimed at supporting all Empire client’s mental fitness, which will ideally enhance their personal and professional lives. So, stay tuned on those blogs…

Q. Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to start a business in Brisbane?

A. We have summarised 5 general topics that we are focussed on through the exhaustive set-up stage of our business.

People – Prioritise and strategically plan for supporting, developing, and sustaining mentally fit employees.
Pitch – Be prepared with compelling answer to the question ‘What do you do?’ If you can’t pitch your value with clarity and credibility, ‘you get what you pitch for’.
Product – Rather than purely trading time for money, translate your skills, talent and ideas into a ‘product ecosystem’ that people love to buy.
Profile – Being good at what you do isn’t enough. Create a credible profile by producing assets like blogs, articles, podcasts, journals and books. This will create credible lines of communication between your brand and potential customers.
Partnerships – Nothing great was ever achieved in isolation. Therefore, create business relationships with people who align to your aims and values.

Obviously, build your and your staff’s mental fitness so your entire team approach challenges as opportunities rather than threats. This will give you greater life satisfaction and energy to keep leaning into the challenges of business when things invariably get lumpy.

How can Get Mentally Fit help your business?

It is our great pleasure to offer anyone from the Empire community the following services that are designed to support an individual’s, or whole business team’s, mental fitness, and overall performance.

More more information contact
Emily 0413 737 191
Connect with Scott on Linked in
Connect with Emily on Linked in
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